Frequently Asked Questions
John M. Langston Citizens Association (JMLCA)
The JMLCA is responsible for the civic well-being of the High View Park community and concerns itself with civic interests including education, public spaces, streetscapes, transportation, police protection, etc.
The JMLCA is represented on the Arlington County Civic Federation. In addition, the JMLCA is the point of contact for Arlington County for issues concerning the community and speaks for the community on issues of importance to the residents.
All residents of High View Park, whether they own or rent, and all non-resident owners are eligible to be members of the JMLCA.
Yes, membership dues are $10 annually per person, or $5 for seniors (65+). Dues can be mailed to the JMLCA, PO Box 7135 Arlington, VA 22207, or delivered in person to the JMLCA monthly meetings which are held on the fourth Wednesday of each month (except for July and August).
You can also pay via PayPal. Please include the PayPal fees so the JMLCA receives the full membership amount.
Speak to a Board member, send an e-mail, or raise the issue at the monthly meeting during the “New Business” portion of the agenda.
The overall purpose for the Hall’s Hill-High View Park (HHHVP) Historic Preservation project is to achieve designation of the Hall’s Hill-High View Park Community in the National Park Service’s National Register of Historic Places.
The HHHVP community has made significant contributions to Arlington’s history and it’s built environment has been under pressure for a variety of reasons. Securing placement on the National Register of Historic Places would cement the neighborhood as a historic place worthy of preservation. As one of the three remaining “historically Black” communities left in Arlington, this recognition will allow the Citizens Association a greater ability to encourage the conservation of our neighborhood